Counseling Cell

Counseling is a scientific process of assistance extended by an expert, in an individual or group situation, to a needy person(s). The process aims at enabling the individual to learn and pursue more realistic and satisfying solutions to his difficulties.

The process revolves primarily around the relationship between the counselor and the client. It is this relationship that leads to growth and change.

The individual is made to understand all the information that has been accumulated about himself in the context of his world. The counselor helps him to develop the ability to take wise, discrete, independent and responsible decisions.

There are differences between counseling, guidance and advice. But most of us tend to misunderstand counseling and consider this as advice or   guidance.

Advice always involves an experienced mature adult talking to an individual in a subjective tone.

Guidance is a comprehensive process which enlightens individuals regarding a place, subject or situation.

Counseling is a specialized function, it is problem oriented and helps the individual understand himself more deeply and develop the ability to take decisions and make choices.

The specific features of counseling are a series of activities performed in relation to an individual in his/her needs. The activities are systematically planned and are inter-related. These activities are carried on over a period of time, the length of which is dependent upon the needs of the client. Counseling sessions are usually held every alternate day initially and once a week or less frequently in the later stages. Each session lasts for 30 to 60 minutes.

The counseling cell at present providing a supportive, friendly and empathetic environment to the students .The main aim of this cell is to make the students self-confident, and to make them feel it is not wrong to have a problem. The counseling then helps them to solve their problems and equips them to cope up with future difficulties. The cell also caters to academic, behavioral and habitual problems of students.

The counseling also provides tips to regular study habits to reduce anxiety during examinations. The other concerns of the cell include better development of  better student-teacher and child-parent relationships.

The counseling cell, therefore, of the school recognizes the prime importance of the role of the parents and teachers and their collective effort to make the activities successful.